IoT Based Energy Monitoring and Power Management System
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The main aim of the project is to Energy Monitoring and Power Management in SMART home. Energy saving is the one of the main challenging in our day to day life because lot of energy wasted during abnormal condition like over voltage and do not monitor and control the system continuously. This leads to reduction of system efficiency, so that proper monitoring and control mechanism is required to improve the energy and power level. To overcome this above problem real time application method is adapted in this project. This is achieved by using instrument transformer along with IoT provides to monitor voltage, current and power consumption of the load at a regular interval. The monitored values are viewed in webpage as well as mobile phone using Internet of Things (IoT).In this project Arduino Microcontroller compares the monitored value with the predefined value available in the cloud source and sent an SMS alert to the consumer, when the load draws an excessive power value.The proposed project includes Arduino UNO, Current transformer, Voltage transformer, GSM Modem, Wi-Fi Modem, Relay and Load. The simulation can be done by using Proteus Software. The SMART home gives reliability, availability, and efficiency, economic and environmental health.
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