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Leadership Effectiveness and Styles in Relation to Personality Characteristics - An Exploratory Study

1 Bharat Electronics, India

In the early 1900s leadership traits were studied to determine what made certain people great like Thomas Jefferson, Napoleon, Abraham Lincoln, and Mahatma Gandhi. These studies were called “great men” theories. Subsequently, “Traits” theories of leadership have come up with the philosophy that Leaders a few hhip is not limited toistoric great men.
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  • Leadership Effectiveness and Styles in Relation to Personality Characteristics - An Exploratory Study

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V. Ammineedu
Bharat Electronics, India


In the early 1900s leadership traits were studied to determine what made certain people great like Thomas Jefferson, Napoleon, Abraham Lincoln, and Mahatma Gandhi. These studies were called “great men” theories. Subsequently, “Traits” theories of leadership have come up with the philosophy that Leaders a few hhip is not limited toistoric great men.
