Dietary Assessment of the Patients Suffering from Urinary Calculi
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The objectives of the present research was to study the nutritional status, food habits and nutrient intake of the patients suffering from urinary calculi according to their age and sex. The study was conducted on 54 patients suffering from urinary calculi admitted in the clinics and hospitals for their treatment in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack,Odisha. The data was collected with the help of predesigned and pretested questionnaires and required tools. The results of the study revealed that majority of the patients belonged to the age group of 19-50 years and there was high male preponderance (3:5:1) among the patients. Most of them were sedentary workers and belonged to low income group. Most common symptom was colicky pain at rental angle and burning during maturation. Kidney stone was found among 42 per cent patients and the nature of stone was found to be calcium phosphate in majority cases. 27.8 per cent respondents were found to be moderately malnourished. No specific correlation was found between the type of water and type of calculi found in the patients. Calorie, protein, vitamin-A, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium content of the diet of the adult patients was found to be deficient in comparison to RDA whereas fat, copper and oxalate content was found to be excess in their diet. Protein content of the diet of the children was found to be more than RDA. Iron content of the diets of the adolescents and adults was found to be more than RDA whereas it was deficient in the diet of the children upto 9 years of age group. However, the variation may be due to sample size. Thus it can be suggested that an extensive study should be carried out on large sample to establish a relationship between dietary intake and prevalence of urinary calculi in human beings.
Urinary Calculi, Calorie, Protein, Recommended Dietary Allowance.
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