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Constraints and Suggestions to Promote Women Participation in Gram Panchayat Activities

1 Department of Sociology, College of Basic Sciences, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana, India

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Gender equality and empowerment of women is recognized globally as a key element to achieve progress in all spheres of life. Democratic decentralization is best bet for good governance. The present investigation was undertaken to study the constraints and suggestions to promote women participation in Gram Panchayat activities. The study was conducted in two districts of Haryana state having highest and lowest female literacy status i.e. Panchkula and Mewat, respectively. Adopting random sampling techniques villages from each sample block were selected. Ultimate stage of sampling constituted the selection of respondents which in the present study were women sarpanches and Panches (Panchayat members). Since the number of such respondents in each of the sample villages was very small (4-6 depending on size of Panchayat), all the members from each village were taken into sample. Thus the ultimate sample taken was of 160 respondents consisting of 80 respondents from each district. Different descriptive statistics were computed using SPSS statistical package. Activities of Gram Panchyat refers to the activities undertaken by Gram Panchayats such as meetings held, management of budget, its utilization, and works related to agriculture sanitation, construction and maintenance, education, drinking water, farm forestry, administration, fisheries etc. Majority of respondents were having no knowledge about most of structural aspects of panchayat but were having full knowledge and involvement in social activities, educational, political, public work and civic amenities and health and sanitation. Literacy advanced area had clear and positive effect on knowledge level of elected women representatives about structural and functional activities. Younger age respondents were having high knowledge level about most of panchayat activities, structural aspects and decision making. Significant association of income and occupation with knowledge level of women members was observed.


Socially Disadvantaged, Locus of Control, Parenting Styles, Academic Performance.
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  • Constraints and Suggestions to Promote Women Participation in Gram Panchayat Activities

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Sunita Singh
Department of Sociology, College of Basic Sciences, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana, India
Vinod Kumari
Department of Sociology, College of Basic Sciences, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana, India
Subhash Chander
Department of Sociology, College of Basic Sciences, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana, India


Gender equality and empowerment of women is recognized globally as a key element to achieve progress in all spheres of life. Democratic decentralization is best bet for good governance. The present investigation was undertaken to study the constraints and suggestions to promote women participation in Gram Panchayat activities. The study was conducted in two districts of Haryana state having highest and lowest female literacy status i.e. Panchkula and Mewat, respectively. Adopting random sampling techniques villages from each sample block were selected. Ultimate stage of sampling constituted the selection of respondents which in the present study were women sarpanches and Panches (Panchayat members). Since the number of such respondents in each of the sample villages was very small (4-6 depending on size of Panchayat), all the members from each village were taken into sample. Thus the ultimate sample taken was of 160 respondents consisting of 80 respondents from each district. Different descriptive statistics were computed using SPSS statistical package. Activities of Gram Panchyat refers to the activities undertaken by Gram Panchayats such as meetings held, management of budget, its utilization, and works related to agriculture sanitation, construction and maintenance, education, drinking water, farm forestry, administration, fisheries etc. Majority of respondents were having no knowledge about most of structural aspects of panchayat but were having full knowledge and involvement in social activities, educational, political, public work and civic amenities and health and sanitation. Literacy advanced area had clear and positive effect on knowledge level of elected women representatives about structural and functional activities. Younger age respondents were having high knowledge level about most of panchayat activities, structural aspects and decision making. Significant association of income and occupation with knowledge level of women members was observed.


Socially Disadvantaged, Locus of Control, Parenting Styles, Academic Performance.