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A Study of Psychological Well-Being and Life Satisfaction among Young Adults

1 Department of Psychology, Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India

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Psychological-Wellbeing is a combination of positive development and life-Satisfaction. Positive psychological well-being is not only important for leading happy life but also draws positive impact on person's academic and his personal life achievements. One of the stages in life is the young adulthood, everybody expected to adults they have to try maintaining equilibrium in their responsibilities. Psychological well-being and life-Satisfaction both are cognitive and affective elements, which can be key to one's life and its play in important role in how to live with positive perspective, significant interaction with others, learn to good adaptation, deal with problems etc. Psychological well-being is dynamic concept and life-Satisfaction is multidimensional concept and both are related and includes subjective, social, psychological and social behaviors, That's the reason we focused both dimension/ components. The present investigation was designed to study psychological well-being and life-Satisfaction among young adults with regards to gender and educational sector (government & private). For this purpose a sample of 120 young adults were selected using incidental purposive sampling method among which 60 adults were from government college/universities and 60 adults from private college /universities of district jodhpur. In each group 30 were males and 30 were females, age group of adults -21 years to above. Psychological-Wellbeing was measured using Ryffs psychological well-being scale developed by Carol Ryff and life-Satisfaction was measured using satisfaction with life scale (SWLS) developed by Diener, Robert Emmons, Randy Larson and Sharon Griffin. Findings of the study reveal that no significant difference was found on the measures of Psychological Well-being among male and Females adults. On the measure of life-Satisfaction of male adults were found more satisfied with life. Results of comparison of government and private college/university adults reveals that no significant difference was observed on psychological well-being and life-Satisfaction among government and private college/universities adults.


Psychological Well-Being, Life-Satisfaction, Young Adults, Government, Private, College, University.
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  • A Study of Psychological Well-Being and Life Satisfaction among Young Adults

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L. N. Bunker
Department of Psychology, Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
Huma Sheikh
Department of Psychology, Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India


Psychological-Wellbeing is a combination of positive development and life-Satisfaction. Positive psychological well-being is not only important for leading happy life but also draws positive impact on person's academic and his personal life achievements. One of the stages in life is the young adulthood, everybody expected to adults they have to try maintaining equilibrium in their responsibilities. Psychological well-being and life-Satisfaction both are cognitive and affective elements, which can be key to one's life and its play in important role in how to live with positive perspective, significant interaction with others, learn to good adaptation, deal with problems etc. Psychological well-being is dynamic concept and life-Satisfaction is multidimensional concept and both are related and includes subjective, social, psychological and social behaviors, That's the reason we focused both dimension/ components. The present investigation was designed to study psychological well-being and life-Satisfaction among young adults with regards to gender and educational sector (government & private). For this purpose a sample of 120 young adults were selected using incidental purposive sampling method among which 60 adults were from government college/universities and 60 adults from private college /universities of district jodhpur. In each group 30 were males and 30 were females, age group of adults -21 years to above. Psychological-Wellbeing was measured using Ryffs psychological well-being scale developed by Carol Ryff and life-Satisfaction was measured using satisfaction with life scale (SWLS) developed by Diener, Robert Emmons, Randy Larson and Sharon Griffin. Findings of the study reveal that no significant difference was found on the measures of Psychological Well-being among male and Females adults. On the measure of life-Satisfaction of male adults were found more satisfied with life. Results of comparison of government and private college/university adults reveals that no significant difference was observed on psychological well-being and life-Satisfaction among government and private college/universities adults.


Psychological Well-Being, Life-Satisfaction, Young Adults, Government, Private, College, University.