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The Relationship Between Extrovert and Ambivert with Emotional Adjustment and Social Adjustment of Adolescents
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The study has been undertaken to investigate to determine the relation between extrovert and ambivert personality types with emotional and social adjustment of teenagers. To determine this Social Adjustment Inventory and Extroversion-Introversion Test (EIT) was used. The sample size was 216; 194 extroverts and 22 Ambiverts. All subjects were selected from several intermediate colleges of Agra. The study being expost facto, subjects were selected as per purposive sampling. There is significant negative correlation between extrovert and emotional adjustment of the participants. There is significant correlation between extrovert and social adjustment of adolescents. There is no significant correlation between ambivert and emotional adjustment of teenagers. There is no significant correlation between ambivert and social adjustment of selected sample. Extroverts are found to be better socially adjusted. As the level of extroversion increases emotional adjustment decreases of adolescents. Ambivalent are not found to be good in social adjustment. Ambivalent adolescents are not found to be better emotionally adjusted.
Extrovert Personality, Ambivert Personality, Emotional Adjustment and Social Adjustment.
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