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Perceived Organizational Talent Management and Organizational Commitment:The Role Employer Branding Attraction Value
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The problem of talent management and committed employees has always been there in the core of organizational setup as the area of thrust in order to place themselves into the uncertain and cutthroat labor market. In order to become an employer of choice and for sustainable human resource management, organizations are valuing the importance of their employer brand value. Developing the employer branding attraction value among the potential and existing employees are now becoming the strategic tool for managing human resources and for sustainable organizational development. Due to the intensifying "war for talent", organizations are bound for exploring the ways and practices to position themselves as attractive employers. The purpose of this research is to investigate the interrelationships among the three behavioral constructs of perceived organizational talent management, employer branding attraction value, and organizational commitment. Accordingly, the intense literature review has been done to find out the conceptual and theoretical background that delineates the possible interactions among these constructs and explores the gap for further research. It was evidenced that employee feels attractive for organizations when they found themselves associated with jobs that attract, develop, motivate and satisfy the needs and wants of them and in return, they reciprocate commitment in order to satisfy obligations of organizational membership and management efforts. However much literature supports found to be advocating the linked associations among the variables namely talent management, employer branding attraction value, and organizational commitment, but empirical negligence has been identified. Impact of employer branding internally is so far neglected among the practitioners and academicians, very few studies have been found focusing about its impact on the current workforce and further on their work attitude.
Employer Branding Attraction Value, Organizational Talent Management, Organizational Commitment.
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