Demographic Study of Women Status in Mahendergarh District, Haryana: Census 2011
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Demographic profile of women in any country reflects the overall status of women. Economic development of any country significantly depends upon the participation rates of its women. Women’s empowerment is crucial for raising their living standards and well-being. India is a country of diversity regarding the wide geographical, cultural and social variations. Haryana is known as one of the developed states of India, but even then there is prevailing much gender-based inequality and male dominance in all dimensions of life. The position of women in Mahendergarh district of Haryana is no better than the other districts of Haryana. The objective of the paper is to understand the demographic profile of women status in Mahendergarh District, Haryana as per Census 2011. It reveals the three main indicators sex ratio, women literacy and her work participation in the process of their empowerment with special attention to the gender perspective. This paper will examine the regional disparity of sex ratio, literacy rate and female work participation and the improvement of empowerment of women in the Mahendergarh district state of Haryana.
economic development, sex ratio, literacy, female employment, work force participation
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