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Algorithm for SNR Estimation In Rician Fading Channels

1 Department of ECE, St. Ann’s College of Engg and Tech., JNTUK, Chirala, India

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing provides strong robustness against inter carrier interference and also it provides good performance in frequency selective channels by adaptation techniques to estimate channel quality. An important parameter for calculating the channel performance is by signal to noise ratio (SNR) .I n this paper, we propose a novel for SNR estimation using synchronization preambles for rician fading channels. The preambles of periodic structure are used for efficient calculation for SNR estimation. The proposed estimator performance is compared with previous estimators and the proposed estimator is robust against frequency selectivity in the channel.


Inter Symbol Interference (ISI), Channel State Information (CSI), Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), PS Estimator.
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  • Algorithm for SNR Estimation In Rician Fading Channels

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D. Sreenivasa Rao
Department of ECE, St. Ann’s College of Engg and Tech., JNTUK, Chirala, India
Ch. Jessy Beulah
Department of ECE, St. Ann’s College of Engg and Tech., JNTUK, Chirala, India
G. Kumar Chaitanya
Department of ECE, St. Ann’s College of Engg and Tech., JNTUK, Chirala, India
G. Tataiah Babu
Department of ECE, St. Ann’s College of Engg and Tech., JNTUK, Chirala, India
A. S. Chalapathi Rao
Department of ECE, St. Ann’s College of Engg and Tech., JNTUK, Chirala, India
G. Vamsi Krishna
Department of ECE, St. Ann’s College of Engg and Tech., JNTUK, Chirala, India


Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing provides strong robustness against inter carrier interference and also it provides good performance in frequency selective channels by adaptation techniques to estimate channel quality. An important parameter for calculating the channel performance is by signal to noise ratio (SNR) .I n this paper, we propose a novel for SNR estimation using synchronization preambles for rician fading channels. The preambles of periodic structure are used for efficient calculation for SNR estimation. The proposed estimator performance is compared with previous estimators and the proposed estimator is robust against frequency selectivity in the channel.


Inter Symbol Interference (ISI), Channel State Information (CSI), Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), PS Estimator.