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Improving the Student’s Performance Using Educational Data Mining

1 Department of Computer Science, Hindusthan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore-28, India
2 Department of MCA, Hindusthan College, Coimbatore-28, India

The main goal of educational data mining is to improve the student performance. The usage of data mining techniques which achieves the goal in an efficient manner. The discovery of knowledge that extract from the end semester [1] is one of the method for improving the quality of higher education. In the higher education, the analysis on enrolment of student's performance in a particular course, the student talent, confidence, studies and ethic helps to get more knowledge. In this research, the data classification and decision tree [1] which helps to improve the student's performance in a better way. But with the inclusion of extracurricular activities with the above data mining techniques makes quality of education in an easiest way. This type of approach gives high confidence to students in their studies. This method helps to identify the students who need special advising or counseling by the teacher which gives high quality of education.


Classification, Educational Data Mining (EDM), ID3 Algorithm, Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD).
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  • Improving the Student’s Performance Using Educational Data Mining

Abstract Views: 222  |  PDF Views: 3


K. Shanmuga Priya
Department of Computer Science, Hindusthan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore-28, India
A. V. Senthil Kumar
Department of MCA, Hindusthan College, Coimbatore-28, India


The main goal of educational data mining is to improve the student performance. The usage of data mining techniques which achieves the goal in an efficient manner. The discovery of knowledge that extract from the end semester [1] is one of the method for improving the quality of higher education. In the higher education, the analysis on enrolment of student's performance in a particular course, the student talent, confidence, studies and ethic helps to get more knowledge. In this research, the data classification and decision tree [1] which helps to improve the student's performance in a better way. But with the inclusion of extracurricular activities with the above data mining techniques makes quality of education in an easiest way. This type of approach gives high confidence to students in their studies. This method helps to identify the students who need special advising or counseling by the teacher which gives high quality of education.


Classification, Educational Data Mining (EDM), ID3 Algorithm, Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD).