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A Survey of Cyber foraging Systems:Open Issues, Research Challenges

1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pragati Engineering College (Autonomous), India

This paper presents a survey on current applications which practice the pervasive mechanism of cyber foraging. The applications include the LOCUSTS framework, Slingshot, Pupetter. This applications advocated the operating principle of task sharing among resource deficient mobile devices. These applications face some design issues for providing efficient performance like task distribution and task migration apart from the security aspect. The general operating mechanism of the cyber foraging technique are also discussed upon and the design options to leverage the throughput of the inherent mechanism is also represented in a suitable way.


Cyber Foraging, Resource Deficient, LOCUSTS, Sligshot, Pupetter, Task Migration.
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  • A Survey of Cyber foraging Systems:Open Issues, Research Challenges

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Manas Kumar Yogi
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pragati Engineering College (Autonomous), India
Darapu Uma
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pragati Engineering College (Autonomous), India


This paper presents a survey on current applications which practice the pervasive mechanism of cyber foraging. The applications include the LOCUSTS framework, Slingshot, Pupetter. This applications advocated the operating principle of task sharing among resource deficient mobile devices. These applications face some design issues for providing efficient performance like task distribution and task migration apart from the security aspect. The general operating mechanism of the cyber foraging technique are also discussed upon and the design options to leverage the throughput of the inherent mechanism is also represented in a suitable way.


Cyber Foraging, Resource Deficient, LOCUSTS, Sligshot, Pupetter, Task Migration.
