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Wavelet Based Non LSB Steganography

1 Department of ECE, Global Academy of Technology, Bangalore-98, India
2 Department of ECE, Bangalore University, Bangalore, India

Steganography is the methods of communicating secrete information hidden in the cover object. The messages hidden in a host data are digital image, video or audio files, etc, and then transmitted secretly to the destination. In this paper we propose Wavelet based Non LSB Steganography (WNLS). The cover image is segmented into 4*4 cells and DWT/IWT is applied on each cell. The 2*2 cell of HH band of DWT/IWT are considered and manipulated with payload bit pairs using identity matrix to generate stego image. The key is used to extract payload bit pairs at the destination. It is observed that the PSNR values are better in the case of IWT compare to DWT for all image formats. The algorithm can’t be detected by existing steganalysis techniques such as chi-square and pair of values techniques. The PSNR values are high in the case of raw images compared to formatted images.


Cover Image, DWT, Multiplier, Payload, Steganography, IWT.
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  • Wavelet Based Non LSB Steganography

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H. S. Manjunatha Reddy
Department of ECE, Global Academy of Technology, Bangalore-98, India
K. B. Raja
Department of ECE, Bangalore University, Bangalore, India


Steganography is the methods of communicating secrete information hidden in the cover object. The messages hidden in a host data are digital image, video or audio files, etc, and then transmitted secretly to the destination. In this paper we propose Wavelet based Non LSB Steganography (WNLS). The cover image is segmented into 4*4 cells and DWT/IWT is applied on each cell. The 2*2 cell of HH band of DWT/IWT are considered and manipulated with payload bit pairs using identity matrix to generate stego image. The key is used to extract payload bit pairs at the destination. It is observed that the PSNR values are better in the case of IWT compare to DWT for all image formats. The algorithm can’t be detected by existing steganalysis techniques such as chi-square and pair of values techniques. The PSNR values are high in the case of raw images compared to formatted images.


Cover Image, DWT, Multiplier, Payload, Steganography, IWT.