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Frame Based Symmetric Key Cryptography

1 Dept. of CSE & IT, College of Engg. & Management, Kolaghat , Midnapur (W.B), India
2 Dept. of IT, Kalyani Govt. Engg. College, Kalyani, Nadia (W.B), India
3 Dept. of CSE, University of Kalyani, Nadia (W.B), India

There are huge numbers of algorithms available in symmetry key block cipher. All these algorithms have been used either complicated keys to produce cipher text from plain text or a complicated algorithms for it. The level of security of all algorithms is dependent on either number of iterations or length of keys. In this paper, a symmetry key block cipher algorithm has been proposed to encrypt plain text into cipher text or vice versa using a frame set. A comparative study have been made with RSA, DES, IDEA, BAM and other algorithms with Chi-square value, frequency distribution, bit ratio to check the security level of proposed algorithm. Finally, a comparison has been made for time complexity for encryption of plain text and decryption from cipher text with the well-known existing algorithms.


Cryptography, Plain Text, Cipher Text, Symmetric Key Algorithm, Chi-Square and Frequency Distributions.
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  • Frame Based Symmetric Key Cryptography

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Uttam Kr. Mondal
Dept. of CSE & IT, College of Engg. & Management, Kolaghat , Midnapur (W.B), India
Satyendra Nath Mandal
Dept. of IT, Kalyani Govt. Engg. College, Kalyani, Nadia (W.B), India
J. Pal Choudhury
Dept. of IT, Kalyani Govt. Engg. College, Kalyani, Nadia (W.B), India
J. K. Mandal
Dept. of CSE, University of Kalyani, Nadia (W.B), India


There are huge numbers of algorithms available in symmetry key block cipher. All these algorithms have been used either complicated keys to produce cipher text from plain text or a complicated algorithms for it. The level of security of all algorithms is dependent on either number of iterations or length of keys. In this paper, a symmetry key block cipher algorithm has been proposed to encrypt plain text into cipher text or vice versa using a frame set. A comparative study have been made with RSA, DES, IDEA, BAM and other algorithms with Chi-square value, frequency distribution, bit ratio to check the security level of proposed algorithm. Finally, a comparison has been made for time complexity for encryption of plain text and decryption from cipher text with the well-known existing algorithms.


Cryptography, Plain Text, Cipher Text, Symmetric Key Algorithm, Chi-Square and Frequency Distributions.