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Consistent Replicated Mobile Data Broadcasting for Read-Write Mobile Clients (CRMB)

1 Dept.of CA&IT, Thiagarajar College (Autonomous), Madurai-9,Tamil Nadu, India
2 Dept.of Computer Science, Govt.Arts College, Melur, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India
3 Dept. of Statistics, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India

Miraculous growth in mobile technology increases the mobile usage day by day. Mobile data traffic and the limitation of power backup are still the major problem in disseminating consistent data on mobile database environment. In this paper, the author propose a consistent replicated mobile data broadcast algorithm(CRMB) to improve the performance of broadcast approach by providing high data availability, consistency and currency with the minimum data access delay and uplink communication. When an update transaction is executed on replicated mobile database environment, it preserves the consistency among the fixed host server, replica servers and the read-write mobile clients. The implementation results show that the performance of proposed approach is better in most cases. Key features of the proposed approach are:

  • It disseminates consistent data quickly to all mobile clients in the same order in which they were updated through minimum bandwidth communication 
  • It allows the mobile clients to get broadcasted data items from any nearest replica server without contacting the server.


Mobile Computing, Data Replication, Consistency, Data Dissemination, Temporal Database.
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  • Consistent Replicated Mobile Data Broadcasting for Read-Write Mobile Clients (CRMB)

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S. Abirami
Dept.of CA&IT, Thiagarajar College (Autonomous), Madurai-9,Tamil Nadu, India
K. Chitra
Dept.of Computer Science, Govt.Arts College, Melur, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India
K. Senthamarai Kannan
Dept. of Statistics, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India


Miraculous growth in mobile technology increases the mobile usage day by day. Mobile data traffic and the limitation of power backup are still the major problem in disseminating consistent data on mobile database environment. In this paper, the author propose a consistent replicated mobile data broadcast algorithm(CRMB) to improve the performance of broadcast approach by providing high data availability, consistency and currency with the minimum data access delay and uplink communication. When an update transaction is executed on replicated mobile database environment, it preserves the consistency among the fixed host server, replica servers and the read-write mobile clients. The implementation results show that the performance of proposed approach is better in most cases. Key features of the proposed approach are:

  • It disseminates consistent data quickly to all mobile clients in the same order in which they were updated through minimum bandwidth communication 
  • It allows the mobile clients to get broadcasted data items from any nearest replica server without contacting the server.


Mobile Computing, Data Replication, Consistency, Data Dissemination, Temporal Database.
