Multi- Level Data Security Model for Big Data on Public Cloud:A New Model
With the advent of cloud computing the big data has emerged as a very crucial technology. The certain type of cloud provides the consumers with the free services like storage, computational power etc. This paper is intended to make use of infrastructure as a service where the storage service from the public cloud providers is going to leveraged by an individual or organization. The paper will emphasize the model which can be used by anyone without any cost. They can store the confidential data without any type of security issue, as the data will be altered in such a way that it cannot be understood by the intruder if any. Not only that but the user can retrieve back the original data within no time. The proposed security model is going to effectively and efficiently provide a robust security while data is on cloud infrastructure as well as when data is getting migrated towards cloud infrastructure or vice versa.
Cloud, Big Data, Data Security.
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