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Automatic Monitoring of Soil Moisture and Controlling of Irrigation System

1 Department of EEE, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India

In past couple of decades, there is immediate growth in field of agricultural technology. Utilization of proper method of irrigation by drip is very reasonable and proficient. A various drip irrigation methods have been proposed, but they have been found to be very luxurious and dense to use. The farmer has to maintain watch on irrigation schedule in the conventional drip irrigation system, which is different for different types of crops. In remotely monitored embedded system for irrigation purposes have become a new essential for farmer to accumulate his energy, time and money and will take place only when there will be requirement of water. In this approach, the soil test for chemical constituents, water content, and salinity and fertilizer requirement data collected by wireless and processed for better drip irrigation plan. This paper reviews different monitoring systems and proposes an automatic monitoring system model using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) which helps the farmer to improve the yield.


Drip Irrigation, Data Logger, Fertilizer, Hotspot, Multiplexer, Remote Monitoring, Soil, Sensors, ZigBee.
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  • Automatic Monitoring of Soil Moisture and Controlling of Irrigation System

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V. Kandasamy
Department of EEE, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
R. Divya
Department of EEE, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India


In past couple of decades, there is immediate growth in field of agricultural technology. Utilization of proper method of irrigation by drip is very reasonable and proficient. A various drip irrigation methods have been proposed, but they have been found to be very luxurious and dense to use. The farmer has to maintain watch on irrigation schedule in the conventional drip irrigation system, which is different for different types of crops. In remotely monitored embedded system for irrigation purposes have become a new essential for farmer to accumulate his energy, time and money and will take place only when there will be requirement of water. In this approach, the soil test for chemical constituents, water content, and salinity and fertilizer requirement data collected by wireless and processed for better drip irrigation plan. This paper reviews different monitoring systems and proposes an automatic monitoring system model using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) which helps the farmer to improve the yield.


Drip Irrigation, Data Logger, Fertilizer, Hotspot, Multiplexer, Remote Monitoring, Soil, Sensors, ZigBee.
