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Optimized Approach for Collaborative eLearning using Real-Time Social Networks

1 Canadian International College, Cairo, Egypt
2 Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt

With the new era of Information and Communication Technology; collaborative learning is considered to be an elearning approach where learners are able to socially interact to the others, as well as instructors. In essence, learners work together in order to expand their knowledge of a particular subject or skill. Nowadays, Social Networks could be used as an e-learning platform. One would typically log in and collaborate with other learners on a specific topic using the social network as the common working space. In this paper, a new approach is presented for collaborative learning throughout social networks. The behavior the proposed approach is presented. The proposed collaborative e-learning approach consists of three modules. The first one is mobile application which is used for collecting some data about the user and his/her interests that may be considered as a data entry process. The second module is getting some location information using the GPS of the mobile device. The third module here is matching algorithm, which will do two main functions. The first one is matching the interests of the users and displaying the results based on these interests. The second one is displaying the results and sorting it based on the nearest addition to routing information.


Collaborative, Social Networks, E-learning, Approach, Location-based Learning.
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  • Optimized Approach for Collaborative eLearning using Real-Time Social Networks

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Essam Shaaban
Canadian International College, Cairo, Egypt
Mona Nasr
Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt


With the new era of Information and Communication Technology; collaborative learning is considered to be an elearning approach where learners are able to socially interact to the others, as well as instructors. In essence, learners work together in order to expand their knowledge of a particular subject or skill. Nowadays, Social Networks could be used as an e-learning platform. One would typically log in and collaborate with other learners on a specific topic using the social network as the common working space. In this paper, a new approach is presented for collaborative learning throughout social networks. The behavior the proposed approach is presented. The proposed collaborative e-learning approach consists of three modules. The first one is mobile application which is used for collecting some data about the user and his/her interests that may be considered as a data entry process. The second module is getting some location information using the GPS of the mobile device. The third module here is matching algorithm, which will do two main functions. The first one is matching the interests of the users and displaying the results based on these interests. The second one is displaying the results and sorting it based on the nearest addition to routing information.


Collaborative, Social Networks, E-learning, Approach, Location-based Learning.
