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Network Lifetime Maximization of Sensor Network Based on Energy Aware Source Tree Routing

1 Dept of ECE, LAEC, Bidar, Karnataka, India
2 Dept of ECE, Bhalki, Karnataka, India

Wireless sensor network is a wireless network of autonomous sensor nodes where objective is to acquire data from different sensor nodes called sources in a central node called base station or server or sink. Several routing techniques are proposed for sensor networks. It includes shortest path routing, gossiping, flooding and so on. But Spanning tree is considered as good topology control mechanism for sensor network. Most of the literature emphasizes on generating the tree where sink is the ischolar_main node. Such trees are called sink based tree. However sink based trees has maximum spreading. If congestion occurs at any node joining lower nodes to sink than sink cannot acquire data from nodes at lower level at tree. In order to avoid this problem, we propose a source based tree. Each of the source node generates a tree till sink. Therefore there are more than one tree present in the network and sink is connected to source through different paths. Each node upon getting a route request checks if it has maximum nodes connected to it. This list is called a MPR list. If it has maximum connectivity, it can acquire data from many nodes, aggregate them and forward it to sink. Thus our work consists of many trees from source nodes to sink where every intermediate node has maximum connectivity. Therefore the tree is most expanded. We further implement backup route creation to prevent sudden connectivity loss. Multiple paths from each source to sink ensures maximum data delivery. As power and energy loss is a major concern in such a network, we adopt an Energy aware tree creation to ascertain that all the intermediate nodes have maximum energy. Through results we prove that the proposed system performs better than sink based tree in terms of packet delivery ratio, throughput, low average energy consumption and elongated lifetime.


Wireless Sensor Networks, Congestion Control, Source Based Trees, Sink Based Trees, OMNeT++ Software.
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  • Network Lifetime Maximization of Sensor Network Based on Energy Aware Source Tree Routing

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Shivshanker P. Biradar
Dept of ECE, LAEC, Bidar, Karnataka, India
T. S. Vishwanath
Dept of ECE, Bhalki, Karnataka, India


Wireless sensor network is a wireless network of autonomous sensor nodes where objective is to acquire data from different sensor nodes called sources in a central node called base station or server or sink. Several routing techniques are proposed for sensor networks. It includes shortest path routing, gossiping, flooding and so on. But Spanning tree is considered as good topology control mechanism for sensor network. Most of the literature emphasizes on generating the tree where sink is the ischolar_main node. Such trees are called sink based tree. However sink based trees has maximum spreading. If congestion occurs at any node joining lower nodes to sink than sink cannot acquire data from nodes at lower level at tree. In order to avoid this problem, we propose a source based tree. Each of the source node generates a tree till sink. Therefore there are more than one tree present in the network and sink is connected to source through different paths. Each node upon getting a route request checks if it has maximum nodes connected to it. This list is called a MPR list. If it has maximum connectivity, it can acquire data from many nodes, aggregate them and forward it to sink. Thus our work consists of many trees from source nodes to sink where every intermediate node has maximum connectivity. Therefore the tree is most expanded. We further implement backup route creation to prevent sudden connectivity loss. Multiple paths from each source to sink ensures maximum data delivery. As power and energy loss is a major concern in such a network, we adopt an Energy aware tree creation to ascertain that all the intermediate nodes have maximum energy. Through results we prove that the proposed system performs better than sink based tree in terms of packet delivery ratio, throughput, low average energy consumption and elongated lifetime.


Wireless Sensor Networks, Congestion Control, Source Based Trees, Sink Based Trees, OMNeT++ Software.
