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Secured Dynamic Clustering using Light Weighted Key Authentication for Target Tracking

1 VTU-RC, Dept. of ECE, PDACEG, Gulbarga, India
2 Dept. of ECE, PDACEG, Gulbarga, India

Many significant development in communicating with WSN has been developed, to secure the communication among the cooperative sensor nodes, a strong security concepts have been implemented, concerned to the object tracking in WSN, since the object is freely moving in and around the network so as the topology changes as the movement of object. Senor nodes are limited to energy usage and it is battery operated, energy and security is one of the major constrains in object tracking. In this paper, we propose a Light weighted key management technique for object tracking (LWKMOT) to secure the object moving in the network; dynamic clustering method is used to minimize the overhead of the network. In this system dynamic key generation system is adopted, the advantage of this method is to provide security protection, by generating different keys thus attacker cannot use the previous key to cheat.


Dynamic Clustering, Key Management Scheme, Target Tracking, Wireless Sensor Networks.
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  • Secured Dynamic Clustering using Light Weighted Key Authentication for Target Tracking

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D. Ramesh
VTU-RC, Dept. of ECE, PDACEG, Gulbarga, India
G. S. Biradar
Dept. of ECE, PDACEG, Gulbarga, India


Many significant development in communicating with WSN has been developed, to secure the communication among the cooperative sensor nodes, a strong security concepts have been implemented, concerned to the object tracking in WSN, since the object is freely moving in and around the network so as the topology changes as the movement of object. Senor nodes are limited to energy usage and it is battery operated, energy and security is one of the major constrains in object tracking. In this paper, we propose a Light weighted key management technique for object tracking (LWKMOT) to secure the object moving in the network; dynamic clustering method is used to minimize the overhead of the network. In this system dynamic key generation system is adopted, the advantage of this method is to provide security protection, by generating different keys thus attacker cannot use the previous key to cheat.


Dynamic Clustering, Key Management Scheme, Target Tracking, Wireless Sensor Networks.
