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Internet of Things Enabled Vehicular and Ad Hoc Networks for Smart City Traffic Monitoring and Controlling:A Review

1 School of Computer Science, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
2 School of Information and Software Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Traffic Congestion is becoming a huge issue in the cities of both developing and developed countries. One prominent solution is to solve this issue in terms of smart cities. In smart cities, all end points including people, houses, buildings, and vehicles are connected to each other through some networking technology. The most considered technologies include Internet of Things (IOT) and adhoc networks. The smart city project can also be applied through the combination of IOT and adhoc network. The literature studies show that a very rare work is done on the combination of traffic congestion, IOT and adhoc networks in terms of smart cities. This paper presents an overview of this technology which will help the readers to consider these technologies related to the smart city-based traffic management.


IOT, Traffic Congestion, Smart City, Adhoc Networks, Review.
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  • Internet of Things Enabled Vehicular and Ad Hoc Networks for Smart City Traffic Monitoring and Controlling:A Review

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Abida Sharif
School of Computer Science, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Jian Ping Li
School of Computer Science, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Muhammad Asim Saleem
School of Information and Software Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China


Traffic Congestion is becoming a huge issue in the cities of both developing and developed countries. One prominent solution is to solve this issue in terms of smart cities. In smart cities, all end points including people, houses, buildings, and vehicles are connected to each other through some networking technology. The most considered technologies include Internet of Things (IOT) and adhoc networks. The smart city project can also be applied through the combination of IOT and adhoc network. The literature studies show that a very rare work is done on the combination of traffic congestion, IOT and adhoc networks in terms of smart cities. This paper presents an overview of this technology which will help the readers to consider these technologies related to the smart city-based traffic management.


IOT, Traffic Congestion, Smart City, Adhoc Networks, Review.
