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Traffic Control on Cruise Ships for Autonomous Vehicles Applying Artificial Neural Network

1 Department of Systems and Computation, Villahermosa Institute of Technology, Mexico
2 Department of Industrial Engineer, Villahermosa Institute of Technology, Mexico
3 Department of Telecom, PEMEX, Mexico

The Artificial Neural Networks, from their origin, are oriented to solve problems in the same way as the human brain would. They use real data for their training and, through various algorithms, they seek to reach an optimal solution. In the present article the design of a Neuronal Artificial Network of multilayer perceptron type (PMC) for the control of autonomous vehicles in cruises is proposed. The training of the network was carried out applying Hyperbolic Tangent Sigmoid, Hyperbolic Log-Sigmoid and finally the linear functions.


Neural Network, Robotics, Multilayer Perceptron, Automation.
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  • Traffic Control on Cruise Ships for Autonomous Vehicles Applying Artificial Neural Network

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Ezequiel Gomez Dominguez
Department of Systems and Computation, Villahermosa Institute of Technology, Mexico
Jorge Cein Villanueva Guzman
Department of Systems and Computation, Villahermosa Institute of Technology, Mexico
Victor Manuel Arias Peregrino
Department of Systems and Computation, Villahermosa Institute of Technology, Mexico
Julio Cesar Romellon Cerino
Department of Industrial Engineer, Villahermosa Institute of Technology, Mexico
Juan Carlos Arias Peregrino
Department of Telecom, PEMEX, Mexico


The Artificial Neural Networks, from their origin, are oriented to solve problems in the same way as the human brain would. They use real data for their training and, through various algorithms, they seek to reach an optimal solution. In the present article the design of a Neuronal Artificial Network of multilayer perceptron type (PMC) for the control of autonomous vehicles in cruises is proposed. The training of the network was carried out applying Hyperbolic Tangent Sigmoid, Hyperbolic Log-Sigmoid and finally the linear functions.


Neural Network, Robotics, Multilayer Perceptron, Automation.
