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A Survey on Fuzzy Based Sensor Network and Its Applications

1 School of CSA, REVA University, Rukmini Knowledge Park Yelahanka, Kattigenahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560064, India

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been broadly applied in many fields such as industry, agriculture, event detection & monitoring, time critical applications and research to facilitate the gathering and distribution of information. The WSNs consist of many low cost sensor nodes. Each sensor node consists of a microprocessors and radio transceivers and can only be equipped with limited resources like power, bandwidth etc. Fuzzy logic is a recent approach to tackle few of the important decision making aspects of WSNs. Fuzzy sets provides a robust mathematical solutions for dealing with real-world problems and non-statistical uncertainty. The paper reviews few fuzzy set based solutions for WSNs applications.


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Types, WSN Applications.
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  • A Survey on Fuzzy Based Sensor Network and Its Applications

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Rajeev Ranjan
School of CSA, REVA University, Rukmini Knowledge Park Yelahanka, Kattigenahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560064, India
K. M. Sinduja
School of CSA, REVA University, Rukmini Knowledge Park Yelahanka, Kattigenahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560064, India
G. Vinay
School of CSA, REVA University, Rukmini Knowledge Park Yelahanka, Kattigenahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560064, India


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been broadly applied in many fields such as industry, agriculture, event detection & monitoring, time critical applications and research to facilitate the gathering and distribution of information. The WSNs consist of many low cost sensor nodes. Each sensor node consists of a microprocessors and radio transceivers and can only be equipped with limited resources like power, bandwidth etc. Fuzzy logic is a recent approach to tackle few of the important decision making aspects of WSNs. Fuzzy sets provides a robust mathematical solutions for dealing with real-world problems and non-statistical uncertainty. The paper reviews few fuzzy set based solutions for WSNs applications.


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Types, WSN Applications.
