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Implementation of DEEC, DDEEC, EDEEC and TDEEC Protocols using MATLAB in Wireless Sensor Network

1 Department Of Computer Science , Al Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan
2 Al Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan

Wireless sensor networks(WSN) consists of widespread random deployment of energy constrained sensor nodes, many routing protocols have been proposed based on heterogeneity with main research goals such as achieving the energy efficiency, lifetime, and deployment of nodes. In this paper, we have proposed an energy efficient cluster head scheme, for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks, by modifying the threshold value of a node based on which it decides to be a cluster head or not, called TDEEC (Threshold Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering) protocol. Simulation results show that proposed algorithm TDEEC performs better than DEEC , DDEEC and EDEEC.


About Cluster-Head (CH), Wireless sensor Network(WSN), Energy Efficiency, (DEEC) Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering, (DDEEC) Developed Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering, (EDEEC) Enhanced Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering.
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  • Implementation of DEEC, DDEEC, EDEEC and TDEEC Protocols using MATLAB in Wireless Sensor Network

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Sahar Alsafi
Department Of Computer Science , Al Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan
Samani A. Talab
Al Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan


Wireless sensor networks(WSN) consists of widespread random deployment of energy constrained sensor nodes, many routing protocols have been proposed based on heterogeneity with main research goals such as achieving the energy efficiency, lifetime, and deployment of nodes. In this paper, we have proposed an energy efficient cluster head scheme, for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks, by modifying the threshold value of a node based on which it decides to be a cluster head or not, called TDEEC (Threshold Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering) protocol. Simulation results show that proposed algorithm TDEEC performs better than DEEC , DDEEC and EDEEC.


About Cluster-Head (CH), Wireless sensor Network(WSN), Energy Efficiency, (DEEC) Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering, (DDEEC) Developed Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering, (EDEEC) Enhanced Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering.
