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Ameliorated Methodology to Meta Model UML Sequence Diagram in the Table Format

1 Department of Computer Science, BITM, Ballari, India
2 VTU Belagavi. Department of Computer Science, BITM, Ballari, India

The unified modeling language (UML) consists of 13 diagrams. The sequence diagram is one of the UML diagrams which captures the dynamic behavior of a system. It represents how the objects communicate to the other objects using a message(s) such as simple, synchronous or asynchronous. These messages are executed in time order from top to bottom and left to right. In this work, an automated tool is proposed which meta-models by taking the UML sequence diagram as an input and then translate the diagram to XMI format using the available whitestar tool and stored in the file. We abstract the various components such as objects, messages, activation, loops (for, while), conditional statements alt (if, if-else), etc. The objects, messages, activation, loops, conditional statements alt are abstracted from the file and are represented in first-order logic, and are stored in form of a table. Finally, using the abstracted information an equivalent sequence diagram is generated.


first-order logic, interactions, messages, Sequence diagram, sequence table.
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  • Ameliorated Methodology to Meta Model UML Sequence Diagram in the Table Format

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R. N. Kulkarni
Department of Computer Science, BITM, Ballari, India
C. K. Srinivasa
VTU Belagavi. Department of Computer Science, BITM, Ballari, India


The unified modeling language (UML) consists of 13 diagrams. The sequence diagram is one of the UML diagrams which captures the dynamic behavior of a system. It represents how the objects communicate to the other objects using a message(s) such as simple, synchronous or asynchronous. These messages are executed in time order from top to bottom and left to right. In this work, an automated tool is proposed which meta-models by taking the UML sequence diagram as an input and then translate the diagram to XMI format using the available whitestar tool and stored in the file. We abstract the various components such as objects, messages, activation, loops (for, while), conditional statements alt (if, if-else), etc. The objects, messages, activation, loops, conditional statements alt are abstracted from the file and are represented in first-order logic, and are stored in form of a table. Finally, using the abstracted information an equivalent sequence diagram is generated.


first-order logic, interactions, messages, Sequence diagram, sequence table.
