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An Electronic Digital Library Using Integrated Security Methods and Cloud Storages
In earlier days, the customer retrieved library materialized structured information are difficult due to enormous database acted in particular location. This paper deals the privacy and security concern includes threats, attacks, data integrity, data leakage, data availability, loss of control, vulnerability and flaws during distribution of services, resources and information. This technique verifies customer verification and validation between cloud clients and cloud providers. Storing the library information system in digital manner is essential through cloud technologies. As an outcome, library consumers can access resources from outside of physical library using cloud methods. This proposed method enforces the use control and access log technique to reduce the data leakage, improve the efficiency and user privacy of the confidential information. It evaluates the several challenges and issues of cloud such as user authentication, data availability, data confidentiality in a cloud environment. This paper depicted the various investigation reports and reviews of various researchers on electronic digital information based library and its resources by cloud methods and storages. This system provides a scheme of a cloud storages functional construction for building knowledge based digital library. Client’s confidential data are stored in global data center storage and numerous local data centers through redundant array of independent disk method in this cloud environment that leads to recovery from the user control and data leakage. This new innovative flexible system delivers the combination of methods like multi-level security with data availability on dissimilar storages, encryption and decryption technique with customer verification and validation method. The electronic digital library resources and services create novel development in scheme of multiple storages with respect to information access and distribution of confidential data in cloud. The multiple cloud storage architecture for digital electronic library offers data handling, speedy transmission of information and linking of communication among library patrons and cloud providers. It will endorse the maturity level from official level members to higher administrate that meet user request and identify the defensible development of knowledge based digital library system. This capable digital library system maintains the cloud computing environment with better performance evaluation. This functional structure progressively established electronic digital library knowledge management by means of user participation. This digital library using multiple cloud storage implementations creates well organized data integration, reduced cost, accessible any-where at any time of services and resources, scalability, elasticity and portability. Furthermore, cloud security and privacy enquiries know the ability of the adaptable digital library system using cloud computing techniques and extent abundant effectiveness with protected cloud environment.
Digital Library, Authentication, Cloud Storage, Data Integrity, Security, Privacy.
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