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Protecting Mobile Agent against Man-In-The- Middle Attack: The Dummy Agent Model

1 Faculty of Computer Studies, Arab Open University, Saudi Arabia

With the fast growth of the Internet in the world, playing an important part in our daily activities and with different uses being personal or in business. The idea of the internet is based on transferring data between computers. Agent-Based Software Technology (ABST) is one of the most popular technique to exchange messages and perform the task between devices over the network. The Software Agent (SA) become vulnerable to attacks by Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) during the journey in the network. To secure the software agents against MitM attacks we propose a Dummy Agent Model (DAM) by confusing the attacker and making it difficult to differentiate the real agent with dummy agents. Dummy agents selection model is used to select dummy agents from the historical agent database for every real agent making it more difficult to attacker to identify the real agent among dummy agents. The Dummy Agent Model is proposed as a better approach to active attacks such as DoS, Collision and Alternation attacks.


Attack, Destination Machine, Man in the Middle, Software Agent, Source Machine.
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  • Protecting Mobile Agent against Man-In-The- Middle Attack: The Dummy Agent Model

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Mohammed Suliman
Faculty of Computer Studies, Arab Open University, Saudi Arabia
Bandar Alluhaybi
Faculty of Computer Studies, Arab Open University, Saudi Arabia


With the fast growth of the Internet in the world, playing an important part in our daily activities and with different uses being personal or in business. The idea of the internet is based on transferring data between computers. Agent-Based Software Technology (ABST) is one of the most popular technique to exchange messages and perform the task between devices over the network. The Software Agent (SA) become vulnerable to attacks by Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) during the journey in the network. To secure the software agents against MitM attacks we propose a Dummy Agent Model (DAM) by confusing the attacker and making it difficult to differentiate the real agent with dummy agents. Dummy agents selection model is used to select dummy agents from the historical agent database for every real agent making it more difficult to attacker to identify the real agent among dummy agents. The Dummy Agent Model is proposed as a better approach to active attacks such as DoS, Collision and Alternation attacks.


Attack, Destination Machine, Man in the Middle, Software Agent, Source Machine.
