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Deep Learning Techniques for Improving Breast Cancer Detection and Diagnosis

1 Department of Information Systems center Egyptian Organization for Standardization & Quality, Egypt

In this paper, we aim to introduce a survey on the applications of deep learning for breast cancer detection and diagnosis to provide an overview of the progress in this field. In the survey, we firstly provide an overview on deep learning and the popular architectures used for breast cancer detection and diagnosis. Especially we present four popular deep learning architectures, including convolutional neural networks, fully convolutional networks, auto encoders, and deep belief networks in the survey. Secondly, we provide a survey on the studies exploiting deep learning for breast cancer detection and diagnosis.


Deep Learning (DL), Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Detection.
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  • Deep Learning Techniques for Improving Breast Cancer Detection and Diagnosis

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Amira Hassan Abed
Department of Information Systems center Egyptian Organization for Standardization & Quality, Egypt


In this paper, we aim to introduce a survey on the applications of deep learning for breast cancer detection and diagnosis to provide an overview of the progress in this field. In the survey, we firstly provide an overview on deep learning and the popular architectures used for breast cancer detection and diagnosis. Especially we present four popular deep learning architectures, including convolutional neural networks, fully convolutional networks, auto encoders, and deep belief networks in the survey. Secondly, we provide a survey on the studies exploiting deep learning for breast cancer detection and diagnosis.


Deep Learning (DL), Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Detection.
