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Application of Factorial and Binomial Identities in Information, Cybersecurity and Machine Learning

1 Department of Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-2, India

This paper presents application of the binomial and factorial identities and expansions that are used in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cybersecurity. The factorial and binomial identities can be used as methodological advances for various algorithms and applications in information and computational science. Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting the computing systems, communication networks, data and programs from cyber-attacks. Its objective is to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks and protect against the unauthorized exploitation of systems and networks. For this purposes, we need a strong cryptographic algorithms like RSA algorithm and Elliptic Curve Cryptography. In this connection, computing and combinatorial techniques based on factorials and binomial distributions are developed for the researchers who are working in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.


Cybersecurity, Combinatorics, Computation, Factorial, Information.
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  • Application of Factorial and Binomial Identities in Information, Cybersecurity and Machine Learning

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Chinnaraji Annamalai
Department of Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-2, India


This paper presents application of the binomial and factorial identities and expansions that are used in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cybersecurity. The factorial and binomial identities can be used as methodological advances for various algorithms and applications in information and computational science. Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting the computing systems, communication networks, data and programs from cyber-attacks. Its objective is to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks and protect against the unauthorized exploitation of systems and networks. For this purposes, we need a strong cryptographic algorithms like RSA algorithm and Elliptic Curve Cryptography. In this connection, computing and combinatorial techniques based on factorials and binomial distributions are developed for the researchers who are working in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.


Cybersecurity, Combinatorics, Computation, Factorial, Information.
