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Comparative Optimization Study of a Micro-Strip Antennas Array of Circular Forms by the Genetic Algorithms.

1 Department of Physic, Faculty of Sciences, Abou-Bekr Belkaïd University, Tlemcen 13000., Algeria

In this article, we present a theoretical approach allowing the optimization of a micro-strip antennas array with circular forms fed by coaxial probes. The proposed technique is based on genetic algorithms which allow us to optimize this network and to seek a global minimum of a function. These kinds of algorithms belong to the family of evolutionist algorithms. We introduce a synthesis problem byconsideringa rectilinear network with P radiating elements arranged regularly on the (Ox) axis. The implementation of the genetic algorithm being relatively greedy in resources (thus slow), we made the choice to apply the GA to a symmetric network. A comparative study between the different genetic algorithms corresponding to the different types of selections is highlighted through the synthesis results obtained.


Circular radiating elements, Genetic algorithm, Micro-strip antenna array, Optimization, Radiation pattern template.
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  • Comparative Optimization Study of a Micro-Strip Antennas Array of Circular Forms by the Genetic Algorithms.

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BENDAHMANE Mohammed Fawzi
Department of Physic, Faculty of Sciences, Abou-Bekr Belkaïd University, Tlemcen 13000., Algeria


In this article, we present a theoretical approach allowing the optimization of a micro-strip antennas array with circular forms fed by coaxial probes. The proposed technique is based on genetic algorithms which allow us to optimize this network and to seek a global minimum of a function. These kinds of algorithms belong to the family of evolutionist algorithms. We introduce a synthesis problem byconsideringa rectilinear network with P radiating elements arranged regularly on the (Ox) axis. The implementation of the genetic algorithm being relatively greedy in resources (thus slow), we made the choice to apply the GA to a symmetric network. A comparative study between the different genetic algorithms corresponding to the different types of selections is highlighted through the synthesis results obtained.


Circular radiating elements, Genetic algorithm, Micro-strip antenna array, Optimization, Radiation pattern template.
