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Effectiveness of Cloud Docker Container In Supporting ERP System Development.
Technology in business is always evolving with high scalability and elasticity.Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) with new architectures and techniques is constantly being developed and studied. The company always has problems in the process of development, revolution, operation and documentation on the company's products and systems themselves. With the study developed in this journal, it is hoped that it can help developers and companies to implement the effectiveness of the system with flexible development. This study explores the use of Docker, Content Delivery Network (CDN) and Gitlab for development and operations in implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems with odoo frameworks in cloud data centers. The result is structurally more flexible and efficient, and more organized in documentation. This study provides guidance for companies looking to implement cloud-based ERP, governments that have complex infrastructure system service governance and cloud ERP provider vendors.
Effectivity, Docker, Container, ERP, Odoo.
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