INTSM: A Novel Approach for Load Balancing in MANET Route Discovery
Ad-hoc networks are networks where mobile nodes can move around, causing changes in their positions and how they connect with each other. However, these changes can lead to problems in communication between the nodes. One big problem is making sure that the network is balanced, so that no nodes are overloaded while others are underutilized. When mobile nodes move less, the network performs better, but this can cause delays for nodes in the centre. To manage this issue, we need to find a way to handle the network's load and balance the traffic between nodes. We also need to identify when nodes are congested, meaning they have too much to handle, and when nodes are not being used enough. This way, we can distribute the traffic in a better way. This paper introduces a new method called the Intermediate Node Traffic Sharing Model (INTSM) to help solve these problems. INTSM focuses on balancing the load and managing congestion during the process of finding routes in the network. By using INTSM, we can improve how traffic is shared and how the network performs, reducing delays for packets. This research aims to make load balancing and route discovery in these networks better and more efficient.
Ad-hoc networks, Intermediate Node Traffic Sharing Model (INTSM), congestion management, load balancing, route discovery, traffic distribution.
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