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Real-Time Robust Remote Server Room Monitoring System

1 Rectorate, Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Isparta, Turkey
2 Computer Engineering, Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Isparta, Turkey
3 Computer Programming, Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Isparta, Turkey

Remote monitoring systems have become very popular with the development of IoT technology. Remote monitoring and tracking systems, which have become widespread in many areas, are frequently used in areas such as smart home features, health, environment security, monitoring of ambient values, vehicle tracking, etc. The widespread use of this usage has brought security vulnerabilities that need to be worked on. The emerging blockchain technology brings very powerful solutions in this regard. In this study, a system where a server room can be remotely monitored is studied. The values to be monitored are parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity, flood, fire, network control of different parts of the server room. A new purpose-specific electronic circuit board was designed to read the data collected from the environment. The values read by the board are sent to the server side. The records are kept in the blockchain structure prepared here. The performance metrics of the prepared blockchain structure are measured and the overall performance of the system is discussed.


Blockchain, data security, IoT, IoT security, Remote Monitoring Syste
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  • Real-Time Robust Remote Server Room Monitoring System

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Kadir Arslan
Rectorate, Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Isparta, Turkey
Serdar Paçacı
Computer Engineering, Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Isparta, Turkey
Remzi Gürfidan
Computer Programming, Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Isparta, Turkey


Remote monitoring systems have become very popular with the development of IoT technology. Remote monitoring and tracking systems, which have become widespread in many areas, are frequently used in areas such as smart home features, health, environment security, monitoring of ambient values, vehicle tracking, etc. The widespread use of this usage has brought security vulnerabilities that need to be worked on. The emerging blockchain technology brings very powerful solutions in this regard. In this study, a system where a server room can be remotely monitored is studied. The values to be monitored are parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity, flood, fire, network control of different parts of the server room. A new purpose-specific electronic circuit board was designed to read the data collected from the environment. The values read by the board are sent to the server side. The records are kept in the blockchain structure prepared here. The performance metrics of the prepared blockchain structure are measured and the overall performance of the system is discussed.


Blockchain, data security, IoT, IoT security, Remote Monitoring Syste
