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Development of Object Recognition Model Using Machine Learning Algorithms on MobileNet V2
The proposed model is focused on achieving high accuracy and real-time performance in object detection using a deep learning-based approach. The two types of state-of-the-art methods for object detection were discussed: onestage methods prioritizing inference speed, such as YOLO, SSD, and RetinaNet, and two-stage methods prioritizing detection accuracy, such as Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN, and Cascade R-CNN. The Faster R-CNN and SSD have better accuracy, while YOLO performs better when speed is given preference over accuracy. The proposed model uses a deep learning-based approach that combines SSD and MobileNet to efficiently implement detection and tracking. The SSD eliminates the feature resampling stage and combines all calculated results as a single component, while MobileNetV2 is a lightweight network model that uses depth-wise separable convolution to perform efficient object detection without compromising on performance. The model aims to elaborate on the accuracy of the SSD object detection method and the importance of the pre-trained deep learning model MobileNetV2. The experiments were conducted on the COCO dataset to recognize objects, and the model was also tested on real-time images for object recognition. The resulting system is fast and accurate, making it suitable for applications that require object detection.
RetinaNet, Object recognition, object detection, convolution network, MobileNetV2.
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