Improvement over Aodv Considering Qos Support in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
MANETs are very advantageous and fruitful when there is no infrastructure or has been destroyed due to some reasons like earthquake, floods and so on. Data communication in MANETs are very challenging issue due to threats like limited battery power, limited bandwidth, mobility, routing and QoS and so on. Due to these challenges and scarcity of resources in MANETs, it's very difficult to achieve high quality of service. QAODV, AODV, OLSR, DSDV and ZRP and so on, are some of very popular routing protocols for MANETs. Minimum no. of hops is the route selection criteria used by most of the routing protocols. This makes it necessary to consider QoS parameters to the routing protocols. Above mentioned protocols are not pure QoS routing protocol and insufficient to achieve high Qos because they do not consider parameters which will affect the QoS, Instead they only consider hop count as a route selection criteria. We present a new QoS based routing algorithm AODV-QSRP (AODV based QoS Routing Protocol) for Mobile Adhoc Netwok. AODV-QSRP is based on existing AODV and is reactive (On-Demand) in nature. AODV-QSRP attempts to provide high QoS for the real time applications while considering the various important QoS parameters like Bandwidth, Delay, Link Quality and Battery power for route selection. We have simulated and compared the performance of AODV-QSRP with QAODV, AODV, OLSR, DSDV and ZRP. To implement and simulating the result Network Simulator-2 (NS-2.32) on Fedora platform is used, which is an event driven and real-time simulator.
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