An Analysis of Processing Multimedia Data in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Technological growth in the digital communication era made a huge impact on life style of human beings. Now a day the growth of social networking sites gained much popularity around the world. Social networks provide a means for users to interact or communicate over the internet. Some of the trending social media include Facebook, twitter, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+ and so on. The multimedia data is the basic building blocks for all the types of communications. Social networks also help to share multimedia data like audios, videos, stories and animations. Users can access these social media services via web-based tools through laptops, smart phones and tablets. Social networks are extremely communicating stages through which persons, groups and governments can share, co-create, discuss and modify the data through internet. In this paper the different video processing models in MANETs such as Prediction Model, Network Friendly Model, Congestion Control Model and Bandwidth Estimation Model are critically analyzed. By varying the impairments these models are compared using a network simulator.
Multimedia, Social Network, TCP, MANET.
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