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QoS and Fuzzy Logic Based Routing Protocol for CRN

1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi, India

The tremendous development in wireless technologies and multimedia applications persuaded upsurge in spectrum utilization in the past. One of the adequate clarifications to overwhelm this limitation is by using Cognitive Radios (CR). These networks are likely to boost spectrum consumption professionally by permitting Secondary Users (SUs) to take advantage of the use of the approved spectrum of primary users (PUs). CR is a kind of a sensible radio that can sense the extraneous surroundings, analyze the past and build perspicacious conclusions to switch its transmission factors in step with the current state of the atmosphere. An Ad-hoc Network engaging Cognitive Radios (CR) can often be termed as Cognitive Radio Adhoc Network (CRAHN). Routing in CRAHN is not an easy mission due to spectrum availability, power, link stability, etc. Among all the parameters, the one among the best parameter for route selection is throughput. Since several applications need a high value of throughput like Audio & Video Broadcasting, Interactive audio & Video Streaming, etc. and some require the low value of throughput like E-mail, Telnet, etc. This paper design a routing strategy based on finding an optimal throughput path using fuzzy logic. To show the efficiency of a designed scheme it is compared with the shortest path routing mechanism. Our result shows that the proposed method is efficient than Shortest Spectrum.


Cognitive Radios, Fuzzy Logic, Mamdami-Fuzzy Logic Controller, Quality of Service (QoS), Shortest Spectrum.
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  • QoS and Fuzzy Logic Based Routing Protocol for CRN

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Gagan Deep Dhand
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi, India
Rohit Kumar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi, India
Devashish Ghildiyal
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi, India
Rachna Jain
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi, India


The tremendous development in wireless technologies and multimedia applications persuaded upsurge in spectrum utilization in the past. One of the adequate clarifications to overwhelm this limitation is by using Cognitive Radios (CR). These networks are likely to boost spectrum consumption professionally by permitting Secondary Users (SUs) to take advantage of the use of the approved spectrum of primary users (PUs). CR is a kind of a sensible radio that can sense the extraneous surroundings, analyze the past and build perspicacious conclusions to switch its transmission factors in step with the current state of the atmosphere. An Ad-hoc Network engaging Cognitive Radios (CR) can often be termed as Cognitive Radio Adhoc Network (CRAHN). Routing in CRAHN is not an easy mission due to spectrum availability, power, link stability, etc. Among all the parameters, the one among the best parameter for route selection is throughput. Since several applications need a high value of throughput like Audio & Video Broadcasting, Interactive audio & Video Streaming, etc. and some require the low value of throughput like E-mail, Telnet, etc. This paper design a routing strategy based on finding an optimal throughput path using fuzzy logic. To show the efficiency of a designed scheme it is compared with the shortest path routing mechanism. Our result shows that the proposed method is efficient than Shortest Spectrum.


Cognitive Radios, Fuzzy Logic, Mamdami-Fuzzy Logic Controller, Quality of Service (QoS), Shortest Spectrum.
