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Cluster Head Election in Wireless Sensor Network: A Comprehensive Study and Future Directions

1 Department of Computer Science and Applications, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana (Ambala), India
2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana (Ambala), India

Due to the advancement of wireless communication interchanges, electronic technology, and micro-electromechanical devices, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has got advanced as a promising zone of research. WSN consists of a collection of sensor nodes having a little calculative capability, limited memory, and constrained energy assets. Clusters are formed from the collection of sensor nodes whose leader node (Cluster head) can send the sensed information from hubs to the BS. To condense the power consumption and boost group longevity, the cluster head executes data accumulation. This paper discusses many algorithms based on deterministic, probabilistic, adaptive, fuzzy logic, and Multi-attribute decisionmaking techniques for clustering and cluster head election. Existing algorithms enhance the network lifetime and energy efficiency but fail to provide a better quality of service and security. So many issues and challenges have been laid down and it is concluded that when computational intelligence is combined with network intelligence then QoS and security both can be provided along with the network longevity and energy efficiency in homogeneous as well as a heterogeneous environment.


Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Deterministic Schemes, Adaptive, Schemes, Probabilistic Schemes, Multi- Attribute Decision Making Schemes (MADM), Fuzzy Based Cluster Head Election Schemes.
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  • Cluster Head Election in Wireless Sensor Network: A Comprehensive Study and Future Directions

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Department of Computer Science and Applications, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana (Ambala), India
Rajeev Gupta
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana (Ambala), India


Due to the advancement of wireless communication interchanges, electronic technology, and micro-electromechanical devices, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has got advanced as a promising zone of research. WSN consists of a collection of sensor nodes having a little calculative capability, limited memory, and constrained energy assets. Clusters are formed from the collection of sensor nodes whose leader node (Cluster head) can send the sensed information from hubs to the BS. To condense the power consumption and boost group longevity, the cluster head executes data accumulation. This paper discusses many algorithms based on deterministic, probabilistic, adaptive, fuzzy logic, and Multi-attribute decisionmaking techniques for clustering and cluster head election. Existing algorithms enhance the network lifetime and energy efficiency but fail to provide a better quality of service and security. So many issues and challenges have been laid down and it is concluded that when computational intelligence is combined with network intelligence then QoS and security both can be provided along with the network longevity and energy efficiency in homogeneous as well as a heterogeneous environment.


Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Deterministic Schemes, Adaptive, Schemes, Probabilistic Schemes, Multi- Attribute Decision Making Schemes (MADM), Fuzzy Based Cluster Head Election Schemes.
