Performance Evaluation of a MANET based Secure and Energy Optimized Communication Protocol (E2S-AODV) for Underwater Disaster Response Network
In recent years, the role of telecommunications in Under Water Mobile Ad-hoc Network (UWMANET) has emerged as a significant field during disaster prevention and rescue operations. Various disaster prevention and rescue supported applications are introduced in these years for flood, tsunamis, and underwater earthquakes. While communication in UWMANET, the existing communication system has some limitations like high energy utilization, tremendous packet loss rate, and delay. Sensor nodes can be deployed for data collection from the dense underwater environment. In UWMANET, security is another critical aspect of secure data transmission. In this paper, a new UWMANET based routing protocol, i.e., E2S-AODV (Energy Efficient Secure Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector) is designed and tested for Under Water Disaster Response Network (UWDRN) in a controlled environment. The optimum route for data transmission is selected by Pigeons Swarm Optimization (PiSO). PiSO reduces the hop count in the chosen shortest path. Hello, messages are broadcasted to inform their neighbors that the connection to the host is active. LDW technique is used to authenticate these hello messages. For security purposes, original event message encrypted with CST (Ciphertext Stealing Technique) and qu-Vanstone ECC based public-key cryptography. To utilize energy efficiently, E2S-AODV introduced two energy concepts drains rate finder and residual energy finder. Results that are compared with existing disaster-based protocols; are pro-motive and assure an improved quality of service (QoS) achievement in terms of many multipronged metrics like energy efficiency, reliability, security, scalability, delay, and Throughput, etc. E2S-AODV achieved a 2% improvement in PDR, 5% enhancement in Throughput, 8% reduction in end-to-end delay, and 11% reduction in energy utilization compared to its near existing competent.
Energy Efficiency, End-to-End Delay, E2S-AODV, MANET, PDR, QoS, Security, Throughput, UWDRN, UWMANET.
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