A Trust-Based Design for Secure and Quality of Service Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
The Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET), with its high dynamics, vulnerable links, and total decentralization, poses significant security issues. The MAODV (Multicast Ad-hoc On- Demand Distance Vector) protocol, a crucial routing protocol used in ad-hoc networks, falls short of security standards and is susceptible to assaults brought on by the hostile environment. The harmful nodal points can readily damage Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs), which are made up of numerous wireless networks. The hardest task will be sharing bandwidth between wireless nodes while maintaining Quality of Service (QoS) for routing. To identify the potentially harmful nodes, trust-based routing strategies must be developed. The proposed effort entails constructing trust-based QoS routing with a secure mix of social and QoS trust. The suggested design's first method begins with the eradication of dead nodes, which leads to a packet collecting error. These dead nodes may also cause difficulty in the route analysis when employing trust mechanisms for communication. The suggested approach will perform better in terms of forwarding node selection based on packet behavioral characteristics. The forward node will be chosen depending on several parameters, including the residual energy between nodal locations, channel quality between nodes, and connection quality. The proposed method is simulated using the Network Simulator tool (NS2), and the simulation results show that the proposed approach is accurate and efficient in identifying and detaching problematic nodes at regular intervals.
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs), Trust- Based QoS Routing, Forward Node Selection, Network Simulator Tool (NS2)
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