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Survey and testing of the IoT Cybersecurity Framework Using Intrusion Detection Systems
The Internet of Things is a new paradigm that facilitates collecting business or personal data through smart devices with Internet connections. IoT devices are heterogeneous and have a limited computational capacity which represents a challenge for protecting data against cyber-attacks. This article surveys communication protocols, cybersecurity attacks and intrusion detection systems (IDSs). This study identifies the IoT protocols used for data transmission, and cybersecurity challenges and then presents a comparative analysis of IDSs. Next, the IoT cybersecurity framework, IoTCyFra, is surveyed by cybersecurity specialists. IoTCyFra is a validated IoT cybersecurity framework with an organizational structure that safeguards data and detects cybersecurity threats in an IoT infrastructure. It also explores how an IDS protects against cyberattacks through an IoT-controlled environment. Finally, the results and conclusions are reported.
Internet of Things, Cybersecurity, Intrusion Detection System, Framework, Cyberattacks, Communication Protocols
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