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Investigating Resource Allocation Techniques and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for 5G New Radio Networks: A Review
The demand for 5G networks is growing day by day, but there remain issues regarding resource allocation. Moreover, there is a need to focus on key performance indicators for the 5G network. This study looks at the assessment of 5G wireless communications as well as the minimal technical performance criteria for 5G network services according to the ITU-R, Next Generation Mobile, 3GPP, and Networks. 5G standards that have been created in the 3GPP, ITU-Telecommunication Standardization Sector, ITU-R Sector, Internet Engineering Task Force, and IEEE are covered. In 5G-based wireless communication systems, resource allocation is a key activity that must be done. It is essential for the new systems used in 5G wireless networks to be more dynamic and intelligent if they are going to be able to satisfy a range of network requirements at the same time. This may be accomplished via the use of new wireless technologies and methods. Key characteristics of 5G, such as waveform, dynamic slot-based frame structure, massive MIMO, and channel codecs, have been explained, along with emerging technologies in the 5G network. Previous research related to 5G networks that considered resource allocation in heterogeneous networks is elaborated, along with the requirement of KPIs for 5G networks. The functionality of 5G has been discussed, along with its common and technological challenges. The research paper has also focused on metrics, indicators, and parameters during resource allocation in 5G, along with machine learning. To move the massive amounts of data that may flow at speeds of up to 100 Gbps/km2, these devices need supplementary, well-organized, and widely deployed RATs. To accommodate the expected exponential growth in the data flow, 5G network RAN radio blocking and resource management solutions would need to be able to handle more than 1,000 times the present traffic level. In addition, all of the information that makes up this traffic must be available and shareable at any time, from any location, and using any device inside the 5G RAN and beyond 4G cellular coverage areas. The need for resource allocation is discussed, along with the existing algorithm and improvements made in technology for resource allocation.
5G Networks, 5G Services, Resource Allocation, 5G Technologies, 5G KPIs, ITU-R.
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