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Game Theory Application for Misbehavior Detection and Prediction in VANET: Review and Challenges
The particular features of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) make them very vulnerable to attacks, especially when these latter become frequent and have intelligent behaviors. For these, the security of vehicular ad hoc networks is substantially important to protect them from the misbehavior of cyber-attacks. Game theory is one of the important tools that have been proposed to accurately model and analyze attack misbehavior. This paper presents a review of game theory-based intrusion detection, prediction, and reaction in VANETs for enriching the literature and helping design a new game theory-based framework. It gives state-of-the-art of game theory-based frameworks by showing their advantages and weaknesses against attacks. In addition, it determines their players and strategies, the proposed solutions and their descriptions, and the types of attacks envisaged. Then, it treats the challenges of designing an efficient framework for intrusion detection, prediction, and reaction against attacks.
Game Theory, Intrusion Detection, Intrusion Prediction, Intelligent Attacks,Game-based Frameworks, VANETs.
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