Initial Classification through Back Propagation in a Neural Network Following Optimization through Ga to Evaluate the Fitness of an Algorithm
An Artificial Neural Network classifier is a nonparametric classifier. It does not need any priori knowledge regarding the statistical distribution of the class in a giver selected data Source. While, neural network can be trained to distinguish the criteria used to classify easily in a generalized manner that allows successful classification the newly arrived inputs not used during training. Through this paper it is eastliblished that back propagation neural network works successfully for the purpose of classification. Back propagation suffers from getting stuck into Local Minima. Weight optimization in Back propagation can be optimized using the Genetic Algorithm (GA). The back propagation algorithm is improved by invoking Genetic algorithm, to improve the overall performance of the classifier. The performance of a fitness algorithm using the approach suggested by us is a Hybrid System that is being analyzed in this paper. In this paper the issue of improving the fitness (weight adjustment) of Back propagation algorithm is addressed. Some of the Advantages of Hybrid algorithms are: convergence speed will be increased and the local minima problem can be overcome. The proposed Hybrid Algorithm is to perform learning as a back propagation and optimize weights using GA for classification.
Artificial Neural Network, Back Propagation Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm.
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