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A Process Quality Improvement Mechanism for Reducing the Risk of CI Environment

1 Dept. of Information Technology and Management, Shih Chien University, Taipei, 104, Taiwan, Province of China

In the age of fast evolution, software development project must accept many challenges of unpredicted requirements change and new technology environment. Software development processes should have adjustable and extendable features to meet the multifaceted needs of the users. Iterative and Incremental Development (IID) is a practical approach to overcome the various challenges of software development. However, continuous testing and building new versions need to spend more time and human resources that is a major obstacle of IID. The other, the iterative operations must have a sound communication skills. Lack of standard version control and intercommunication manner often lead to failure of software project. High quality Continuous Integration (CI) environment can effectively make up the defects of IID. In this paper, CI environment and advantages are deeply surveyed. In order to overcome the defects of IID, CI environment needs combine the perfect procedures and qualified tools, and concretely enhance the quality of CI environment. Based on the process quality measurement model, this paper proposes the Process Quality Improvement Mechanism (PQIM). Applying PQIM, in software development, the processes problems and the CI environment quality defects can identify timely and indeed revise to reduce the risk of CI environment.


Continuous Integration, IID, Development Risk, CI Environment, Quality Improvement.
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Abstract Views: 396

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  • A Process Quality Improvement Mechanism for Reducing the Risk of CI Environment

Abstract Views: 396  |  PDF Views: 162


Sen-Tarng Lai
Dept. of Information Technology and Management, Shih Chien University, Taipei, 104, Taiwan, Province of China


In the age of fast evolution, software development project must accept many challenges of unpredicted requirements change and new technology environment. Software development processes should have adjustable and extendable features to meet the multifaceted needs of the users. Iterative and Incremental Development (IID) is a practical approach to overcome the various challenges of software development. However, continuous testing and building new versions need to spend more time and human resources that is a major obstacle of IID. The other, the iterative operations must have a sound communication skills. Lack of standard version control and intercommunication manner often lead to failure of software project. High quality Continuous Integration (CI) environment can effectively make up the defects of IID. In this paper, CI environment and advantages are deeply surveyed. In order to overcome the defects of IID, CI environment needs combine the perfect procedures and qualified tools, and concretely enhance the quality of CI environment. Based on the process quality measurement model, this paper proposes the Process Quality Improvement Mechanism (PQIM). Applying PQIM, in software development, the processes problems and the CI environment quality defects can identify timely and indeed revise to reduce the risk of CI environment.


Continuous Integration, IID, Development Risk, CI Environment, Quality Improvement.
