Data-Driven Model for Non-Functional Requirements in Mobile Application Development
The incredible development in the utilization of smartphones has driven the development of billions of software applications famously known as ‘apps’ to accomplish roles outside phone call and SMS messages in the day-to-day lives of users. Current assessments show that there are a huge number of applications developed at a meteor pace to give clients a rich and quick client experience. Mobile apps users are more concerned about stability and quality now more than ever despite the increase in the scale and size of apps. As such, mobile apps have to be designed, built, and produced for less money (maintainability, portability, and reusability), with greater performance, reliable security and fewer resources (efficiency) than ever before. This paper aimed at providing support for mobile application developers in dealing with the evereluding non-functional requirements by proposing a data-driven model that simplifies the non-functional requirements (NFR) p in the development of an application for mobile devices. The study tries to find out if NFR can be treated the same way as functional requirements in mobile application development. Finally, this paper shows the experimental evaluation of the proposed data-driven model of dealing for nonfunctional requirements in the development of mobile apps and the results obtained from the application of the model are also discussed.
Non-Functional Requirements, Mobile Application Development, Data-Driven Requirement Engineering, Requirement Modelling.
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