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Flight Plan Route Optimization And Increase The Profit In Airline Industry By Using Hybrid BCF Algorithm

1 School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, India

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Airline industry is a booming industry where decisions have to be taken in the dynamic environment. There are many factors which govern the decision-making namely the airline route as considerate amount of profit can be generated by selecting the optimized airline route. The paper proposes a hybrid BCF algorithm which optimizes the flight trajectory and seat allotments. The algorithm specifically optimizes the airline route, seat allotment on a large scale of data set to give the best option to choose in and implement it. The result shows the tremendous variation regarding the net amount there by increasing the profit.


Hybrid BCF Algorithm, Decision-Making, Optimized, Airline Route, Profit.
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  • Flight Plan Route Optimization And Increase The Profit In Airline Industry By Using Hybrid BCF Algorithm

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N. V. Kousik
School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, India
Tapas Kumar
School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, India
C. Rameshkumar
School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, India
L. Vetrivendhan
School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, India


Airline industry is a booming industry where decisions have to be taken in the dynamic environment. There are many factors which govern the decision-making namely the airline route as considerate amount of profit can be generated by selecting the optimized airline route. The paper proposes a hybrid BCF algorithm which optimizes the flight trajectory and seat allotments. The algorithm specifically optimizes the airline route, seat allotment on a large scale of data set to give the best option to choose in and implement it. The result shows the tremendous variation regarding the net amount there by increasing the profit.


Hybrid BCF Algorithm, Decision-Making, Optimized, Airline Route, Profit.
