Enhance the Performance of Cluster based Routing Protocol using DPAL in VANET
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The VANET is visualized as next generation platform for vehicular systems to be event driven and will allow events of different types to be transmitted to moving vehicles within some specified time. In this article, suggest a publish-subscribe dependent event notification system that utilizes roadside units (RSUs) to distribute events to automobiles that subscribe to them within the validity limits of both the subscriptions and the incidents. RSU can distribute the details at a time and has a related expense to a limited number of events. RSU can formulate two scheduling problems to plan the spread of events. For the problems a service provider may conduct to plan event spreads from RSU, we have developed an algorithm. Detailed simulation results show that the algorithms can match a high percentage of subscriptions for some realistic city traffic scenarios that involve a small average event dissemination cost.
Adhoc, VANET, DAPL, Routing, Infrastructure, RSUs.
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