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Improved Resource Allocation in 5G Using Deep Learning

1 Department of Information Technology, Knowledge Institute of Technology, India
2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Presidency University, India
3 Department of Computer Science and Business Systems, Knowledge Institute of Technology, India

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All wireless equipment, including terminals, base stations, and phones, functions as a component of a single interconnected system, it is subject to attacks from a wide variety of different forms of cyber threats. This elucidates the relevance of considering the aforementioned attacks in order to prevent them from finally acquiring control of the complete system environment. The term cybersecurity refers to the set of preventative measures that are implemented to safeguard an information technology infrastructure against being corrupted or destroyed. The results of a performance evaluation that was carried out on the DRL at several different node densities. When there is a requirement to analyze a network in terms of its throughput, delivery ratio, and latency, NS2 is the tool that is utilized. In this article, a comparison and contrast between the Lagrange Duality Method technique is presented.


Wireless Equipment, Cybersecurity, Resource Allocation, Deep Learning
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  • Improved Resource Allocation in 5G Using Deep Learning

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P. Sachidhanandam
Department of Information Technology, Knowledge Institute of Technology, India
V. Amirtha Preeya
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Presidency University, India
B. H. Impa
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Presidency University, India
M. Ranjith Kumar
Department of Computer Science and Business Systems, Knowledge Institute of Technology, India


All wireless equipment, including terminals, base stations, and phones, functions as a component of a single interconnected system, it is subject to attacks from a wide variety of different forms of cyber threats. This elucidates the relevance of considering the aforementioned attacks in order to prevent them from finally acquiring control of the complete system environment. The term cybersecurity refers to the set of preventative measures that are implemented to safeguard an information technology infrastructure against being corrupted or destroyed. The results of a performance evaluation that was carried out on the DRL at several different node densities. When there is a requirement to analyze a network in terms of its throughput, delivery ratio, and latency, NS2 is the tool that is utilized. In this article, a comparison and contrast between the Lagrange Duality Method technique is presented.


Wireless Equipment, Cybersecurity, Resource Allocation, Deep Learning
