A Survey of Coastal Satellite Image Sensing with Estimation of Erosion and Accretion Rates using QGIS – Mapping [CSIS EEAR]
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This paper has proposed to utilize Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Systems (GIS) to screen and investigate the coastline morpho-dynamics during the most recent twenty years. All datasets of Arabia Coastline is from MODIS web and Landsat 7 for researching Arabia - Coastal line. Erosion and Accretion rates calculated using the Panchromatic Sharpened Algorithm and Universal Pixel Quality Index, Which implies classification of ATWT, DWT, GS, and PC algorithms. Multispectral images of the Coastal line are extracted and validated accuracy assessment. Changing Rate of Arabia coastal line measured using a digital short line analysis system.
Image Processing, Qgis, Remote Sensing
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