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Clustering Algorithm Networks Test Cost Sensitive for Specialist Divisions

1 School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, India
2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science, India

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It has been proven that deeper Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) can result in better accuracy in many problems, but this accuracy comes with a high computational cost. Also, input instances have not the same difficulty. As a solution for accuracy vs. computational cost dilemma, we introduce a new test-cost-sensitive method for convolution neural networks. This method trains a CNN with a set Based on the difficulty of the input instance, the expert branches decide to use a shallower part of the network or go deeper to the end. The expert branches learn to determine: is the current network prediction wrong and if the instance passed to deeper network layers it will generate the right output; if not, then the expert branches will stop the process of computation. The experimental results on the standard CIFAR-10 dataset indicate that in comparison with basic models, the proposed method can train models with lower test cost and competitive accuracy.


Test-Cost-Sensitive Learning, Deep Learning, CNN with Expert Branches, Instance-Based Cost.
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  • Clustering Algorithm Networks Test Cost Sensitive for Specialist Divisions

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M. Arvindhan
School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, India
G. S. Pradeep Ghantasala
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science, India
N. V. Kousik
School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, India


It has been proven that deeper Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) can result in better accuracy in many problems, but this accuracy comes with a high computational cost. Also, input instances have not the same difficulty. As a solution for accuracy vs. computational cost dilemma, we introduce a new test-cost-sensitive method for convolution neural networks. This method trains a CNN with a set Based on the difficulty of the input instance, the expert branches decide to use a shallower part of the network or go deeper to the end. The expert branches learn to determine: is the current network prediction wrong and if the instance passed to deeper network layers it will generate the right output; if not, then the expert branches will stop the process of computation. The experimental results on the standard CIFAR-10 dataset indicate that in comparison with basic models, the proposed method can train models with lower test cost and competitive accuracy.


Test-Cost-Sensitive Learning, Deep Learning, CNN with Expert Branches, Instance-Based Cost.
